singular, but art

The idea that the artist has to be a guardian of the culture is ludicrous, subjectivity is the name of the game, everything is meaningless. The most free person in the world is the one who has nothing to hide. Art things because it's fun, simply for the love of drawing.

Albin Crocotil works with a universal visual language, based on the belief that arts are agents of positive change.

ink expressionism is art

How does art relate to culture? Artistic improprieties that are not a dumb wast of time and money are not artsy. An inauspicious picture pushing the creative boundaries of the old-fashioned sense of humor. He is told that nothing is. But this at least is certainty.

Is that art? Every drawing is an uncertain step on a path that's pretty long. Indeed, he does not want to do anything but what he fully understand (Camus, The myth of Sisyphus, page 53).

Everything is meaningless

Jerry Lofti, Art has always been with us, it's best to make hay while the sun shines, Fortunatis velox, lenta miseris.

How does art relate to culture?

Friedrich Nietzsche has spent much of his life fascinated by bikes, often to the exclusion of everything else. Empathy plays a critical role providing an emotional bridge that promotes pro-social behavior. We'll restore dry humor to its rightful place. I really hope this sentence is a joke. Serious artworks have long been dismissed as pointless curiosities.

neo-expressionism after postmodernism

Serious pages with eccentric drawings are an inevitable reality on the internet. We also learn he instructed that the following should be on his tombstone: “Here lies Charles Tuttle. They said he would never stop drinking. Well he has.”

I do not literally paint that table, but the emotion it produces upon me. Hyperrealist artists developed an illusionistic approach to their subject, without seeking to achieve situational realism.

Dwelling in spaces are seen as fundamental to our existence and the production of meaning. Slow life brings symbols of kindness and compassion.

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