How does art relate to culture?

How does culture relate to art while incorporating personal and collective memories?

I never knew art could be so much fun! All stories have their place. Context affects so much of our interpretation of art, every artwork contains more than one story. I think that art-making is intrinsically spiritual, Rachel Rossin says. Her definition of spirituality is how you align yourself to connection or meaning.

How does art relate to culture ?

The artist has to be a guardian of the culture.

Civilisation has consistently been constructed by or against the wild, savage and animalistic, it's entirely possible there's a lot missing along those lines from the story between the familiar and the unknown.

Edmond Gonfalon became known for his quixotic project.

subculture ideas

These artists grew up in an alienating time; all helped dislodge the guiding social narratives of previous generations. The whole point of Grasshopper's theorem is that giant innovative leaps come apparently out of nowhere. The visionaries who succeed are those that very quickly morph their models on short notice. We live in a fluid world and that change is the only thing that is permanent.

How does culture relate to art? Images recall the fragility of man in the flood of millions of images that overwhelm us.

Mental imagery and memory relate art to culture, art is the signature of civilizations. It's art-culture co-evolution, they feed off of each other. Even the craziest images talk about carving out a place for them in the larger culture. Minimal narrative means "Art that speaks for itself".

Your silent Indian will teach you more than all the art jargon.

Harry Gibb


The picture aims to use pixel methods to crack another knotty problem in art humor:

Understanding what is being realistic always uncover an inherent confrontational art; art is the wittiness that grows in man

Jean Arp

On going gallery for the beauty of imperfection, an effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible.

how does culture and art relate by necessity

Art images, by necessity, has an idealistic view of things. When will the weak pictures grow a spine and do something?

Art is nature as seen through temperament.

On ne trouve pas de paysages tout faits dans la nature: ils se font dans notre imagination.

Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot

Inner lives of human beings lino prints

Visual art culture.

Art is a reflection of the culture in which it was created. That strange feeling of discontinuity that we sometimes have in life. Clean your own house before you peek into others’ windows.

True art will not come from Chaos, it will come from a piece of wood or metal that allows its figures to determine their own destiny.

All painting is abstract

All painting is abstract.

The pencil's dream is to change the direction of art, to create something from nothing. The ink pen wants to create funny work in the popular imagination.

The work of art is a scream of freedom.

Christo, Colours evoke associations which are culturally determined.

inner lives of human beings between narrative and art

Art is a signalling system using patterns and pattern recognition for human communication. Ambiguous image ultimately breaches high- and low-culture, the same irony that has reduced painting to a self-parodic anti-art statement. Given art's recent turn toward the figurative, the literal, and the narrative, significant artworks are charmingly eccentric, especially if the purpose remains a complete mystery.

christmas trees need to weather the storm

Every piece contains more than one story. Some good drawings have a checkered past and need to weather the storm until the dust settles. Toggling between the past and present, urban art is a cultural phenomenon par excellence.

Paragone was the Renaissance argument about the relative merits of artistic media (usually sculpture and painting) and resulting attempts to demonstrate the superiority of one over another. This possibility is certainly open, this is life, but most good picture to remember were not famous for anything. One theory suggests the images may have been used to track the passing of time and the changing of the seasons.

light-hearted doodling

The symbols that humans are essentially insightful, make it memorable. Contemporary art is weirdness made visible to make life on walls sympathetic and weirdly cute. Picture forcing them to define the reasons why they like the thing they claim to like to do.

When one starts asserting that too much irony is not fair, the end is near. It’s your light-hearted doodling that keeps us engaged in the story to the very end.
