
Little things that matter because art world is reputed to be savage.

Once we have a good picture, that doesn't magically solve every problem. Maybe you know of particular folks who explore this idea through art.

Quirky artist and muse

Artist and muse in a flat world. Raw emotion, in place of the patient description of the real flat world. Goats have long been associated with lust and wantonness.

dingbat amphipod

Art pictures freak me out, because I found no logical connection at all to the story, because biological systems are so variable. One pixel can make a difference, and everyone should try.

elements of art speak

Why do we do this? Humans tend to imitate others, elements of art speak. Our results increase the probability that the picture represents body language, artists have every right to make incomprehensible pictures.

Postmodernism began when irony and absurdity went to marry together at the museum of contemporary art.

Elements of art are regularly singled out as funny ideas with no practical use. Metaphors for memory are forever forgotten.

Modesty in art
Does skill matter in art?

Does skill matter in art? Art pictures freak me out, because I found no logical connection at all to the story, because biological systems are so variable. One pixel can make a difference, and everyone should try.

Every artist takes from their surroundings and other artists, waffle has become an artform in itself.

ghost visual proof

We need to talk about totally idiotic things.

Naive you are, if you believe art favours those who aren't naive.

Algorithmic art is not perfect. Nor human. I mean in real life, not in the realm of playfulness. The solution is to simplify.

He who gives back at the first repulse and without striking the second blow despairs of success has never been, is not, and never will be a hero in science, love, or business.

balance element of art

Space as an element of art, beauty and skill are the currency in art.

Ten cups of weak coffee do not make a pot of strong coffee.

But what is balance in art ? That's a hard question to answer, neither music or visual art can be accurately described in ordinary language, artistic emotion is ineffable. Although ludicrous artworks are similar in principle to seriously edgy artworks, they have long been dark horses in contemporary art. Because ludicrous artworks are better at keeping interest from viewers and holding on to the heat needed to keep life ticking along. If the goal of life is to create more life, this picture is living its best life.

Others of course will have ideas, many better than your own

"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we don't".

Bjarne Stroustrup

I am trying to walk the line between these two approaches.

Among the holes in the story was the identity of the gene that was involved in producing the dark-coloured moth variant. There is a further, satisfying twist to the tale. Like many puzzles in number theory, the erdös discrepancy problem is simple to state but devilishly difficult to prove.

Draw a conclusion
