colorful interactions with foolish things

Confrontational art is a sponge, wholesome artworks smoothly absorb the incidental.

Daily life images have no practical function, but rather a communicative role.

Irony is about humans that focus on beauty, artists are not hiding answers about their work.

A swanky cranky business

Zesty art enjoys doing foolish things, this is a general truth, reaffirmed again and again in modern history. Internet has become a sea of similarities, from being edgy to being cranky. My most curmudgeonly moments involve colorful interactions with foolish things.

Because they said that bad artworks had no perspective at all, I used to use linear perspective in every drawing; hopefully there was a freedom pictures felt to be playful and experimental. That modification cuts a Gordian knot in the interpretation of swank art.

egg chicken confrontational narration

Humour as a strategy in daily life.

Art is important because humans are animals too.

Art is ultimately subjective, so that regardless of how "good" or "bad" we are told real must be, we must had some fun with it.

Art is a beautiful matter of opinion a prelude to postmodernism, or a sequel to postmodernism. The picture supplies little in itself, what counts is how you are using it.

Dragonfly confrontational narration

Dragonfly only argued with people from whom he thought he could learn something. His pictures seem to come from another world, full of magic and primeval charm. Pages are like portals into another place and time. I hope that imagination is going to be able to turn things around.

life is joke

Uncertainties and ambiguities paint the inner lives of human beings.

Different is not wrong

Different is not wrong. Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, but babbling is ever a mark of folly. Seduction has been always more singular and sublime than art and as such it commands the higher price.

elimination of the confrontational narration

As soon as an art movement became a trend, it was always at risk of going out of fashion. Drawing is like telling a story.

I always had the silly thought that a series of trials and errors, simplistic reasoning will not work when it comes to evaluating painting decisions. Birds-eye-view pigeons allow the work to speak for itself with pictures named for terrestrial things.

shrimp fundamental formalism

Pigeons have allowed art to fully consume their life and take a vital part in their existence.

artist at the boundary between fiction and reality

I like art but it doesn't like me. Confrontational art believes in the elimination of the boundary between fiction and reality.

Some of us were images that make our lives more interesting. Bad art is circling the drain. Appreciation of the arts is subjective, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and preferences.

male male math, ink drawing

Male math model between fiction and reality. Where did all those years go? No one knows yet.

Art does not require an explanation.

symbol for understanding

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. The quest for universal truths expressed using the predominance of line, but the line did not discover the secret to innovation curiosity.

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