
Drawings to make someone happy in a digitally saturated world.

Much like the Pop artists, Hyperrealists were interested in subjects and techniques of consumption and mass media. The internet is the real work of art.

Clement Greenberg believed in the necessity of abstract art as a means to resist the intrusion of commerce into art ("Kitsch's enormous profits are a source of temptation to the avant-garde itself, and its members have not always resisted this temptation."). Good art theory must smell the studio, although its language should differ from the household talk of painters.

internet in art

For something that represents cuteness the surface meaning and the underlying meaning of what is said are not the same. Hector Corbelet’s paintings explore the remediation of paint in a period of digital image circulation, with its accelerating speeds of transmission. Images are imaginary, the internet is the real work of art in a period of digital image circulation and shared attention deficit.

ornithophobia is such an odd bird

Artists have to eat.

the aesthetic quality of a work is not determined by the motives of the artist. Most of the time, life doesn't reward us for the things we do once in a while but only for the things we do consistently. The work of Janus Bifrons occupied a unique point at the intersection of several approaches. Graphic design without playfulness is boring.

Rudolf Arnheim, Art and Visual perception. Good art is slow as hell, thereby continually asserting the relevance of painting in a digitally saturated world.

The internet itself is the real work of art.

Pictures used to be flat, now they pretty much have to be amazing. In our digital age, great art is small enough to fit entirely on the screen.

The goal of the internet is to imagine pictures that don't exist, and create the process that brings them to life, using graphic design playfulness.

Odd birds depict the vastness of the land, sky and seascape against which the human presence in dwarfed.

A lot of art sites say "go outside." Today I went outside and explored in some woods, give me the pictures that will make me happy.

How does art relate to culture?

What’s interesting is how much is left out while you know exactly what it is. The majority of art websites still appear buttoned-down and cleaned up. The aestheticizing of The Emperor's New Clothes.

Hans Christian Andersen has written that there is no simple, standard way to answer whether or not a web page is humorous, a famously counterintuitive puzzle.

Art is constitutive

Eyes are portals into inner worlds, open and full of mystery.

Art is constitutive. The artist determines beauty. He does not take it over.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Artist's rules of thumb were chosen with an intense intellect and instinct. Neomodern is a once cool word that was killed, like many fruitful dissatisfactions and strange art. Pictures are unique, which means they have unique problems. Knowing how one is pictured with and by the world that surrounds them.

artist determines beauty

The almost infinite possibilities of feeling offered by the written word? Takes too long to explain. A strange, remote, some said mystical land founds this incomprehensible.

Contemporary art business is a wolf in sheep's clothing that preys on naive art. Idealism is belief in the possibility of intelligent cooperation. Bad pictures are born every minute.

Studying the complex interaction between slothness, fairies and mind. To make space for contemporary art in your life, begin with thin artworks, that is works on paper.

It becomes more like a question of fact that can be proven or disproven or not proven. Because reality is created by imaginative people, it would be better to have all the internet pages filled with the unusual primitive art.

Life is fluid, pretty nonsensical from the start, and we crave for solid knowledge, passing on secret knowledge among artists.

We have arrived at the juncture where art and science need new vehicles for the dissemination of humor. These new approaches will enable us to separate the wheat from the chaff in order to better serve the internet. So the rules are a bit abstract and made to be broken. Young leaves are not yellow, yellow is the color of young leaves.

The substance of things is understood given contemporary primitive art.

But for pictures, it's just not enough to exist. They want a representation that is meaningful and satisfying, a socially acceptable art. A theoretical attempt that has yet to find experimental support; so far there is no hint that this requirement is even close to reality.

Graphic design

Notions of high/low, avant-garde and kitsch, are obsolete. Everyday life and art are linked together. Do art that take your mind away from the chaos.

Infantry wins battles. Logistics wins wars.

General John J. Pershing

Graphic design without playfulness, for better or worse; what could be more boring? Many subjects of a meandering, ever-growing labyrinth that would encompass the past and future possess symbolic meaning that refer specifically to history and mythology. Look in the mirror folks.
