art is not a mirror

A few artistic hotbeds contain more truth than reality.

Every picture is a dialogue on history, memory, and the power of self-narration in the context of visual humor.

The rationale of art is right in the middle of doughnut.

Crazy art never knows which side of the canvas is the painting.

art contemporary issues

Be contemporary primitive art. Whatever float your boat, they are probably too complex to be boiled down to one thing that symbolizes your ancestral inheritance. If you want to change your life, open the box.

Pieces of wood consider our relationship with nature and how we connect with it. environments that undermine the traditional divides between nature and human aesthetics. Such intertwined environments question prevailing binary thinking, in terms of nature and culture as well as subjects and objects.

Self-narrative naturalism

Crazy art is a word used to describe pictures that don't conform to the market's idea of what is normal, would not be better if Arthur Schopenhauer was left apart, "Will to Live" makes pictures happy. Feeling like being constantly watched is daily life either for borderline people or art class models.

"Looking at painting is not a matter of finding something to impress your guests, or match the curtains, or increase in value at 20 percent par annum; it's a search for things worth hanging on the walls of your imagination."

Justin Paton, How to Look at a Painting, Pages 6-7

art mirrors life

Art is not a mirror.

Good paintings recognize themselves in mirrors: a sign they’re self-aware. A brilliant photograph captures the fleeting thing. Our lives are a more or less a mirror on our thoughts. So there might be more going on here than meets the eye. I am drawn to this concept because it invokes the contradictions in the pursuit of freedom and desire.

Crazy art creativity

There is not a situation of stability between art and erratic art, a behavior characterized as perceiving things that don't exist is either craziness or creativity. With any lunatic art production, we define the difference in new way because the house of cards of art theory may be unstable. To make art you have to be very dedicated, or part crazy, or both.

crazy art sgreffito

The monumental beauty and heroic ideality of this whimsical universe with all these little subversive life models going on.

Sertorius, Corneille

It is not so hard to make things that look like a reminder of their core teachings, bound by friendship, love, and truth. Meaningful abstract art takes the cake. For an instant before you have an insight, you are less aware of your environment.

being lazy is a true art

Hapless little boxes interest in how time and light can be materialized. Human destiny always end in a box, imbued with the promise of movement, of closure and disclosure. Pandora opened the box, leaving only hope inside.Don't be a prisoner of the past; otherwise, you are not alive, risk-taking attitude.

art explaining fascination and awe

Occasionally it’s pinch-hitting for substance, mere showiness with nothing behind it.They stepped up and they did the right thing, altered book ideas should not be feared. Remember that people care about their feelings far more than they care about an event.

Art is the answer to many questions

Life without art is a colorless spring, true art really creates magic.

So much writing on the Web lacks cohesion and focus. Each person who reads something can come to a completely different conclusion and thats the magic of it. Art has the answer to many of the questions we weren't brave enough to ask.

Art is the answer

Art has the answer to many of the questions we weren't brave enough to ask.

Art is the answer

What makes a picture easy to look at? Kindness, the ability to listen, and an open mind. A brilliant mind, a kind soul, and a devious schemer. A painting, however far removed from what it is agreed to call the representation of the world, remains an image of it. Artworks eschewed technology, which made them difficult to reach, when the rationale is in the middle of doughnut. Art is very powerful in that it can communicate strong ideas and emotions.
