simplicity is a myth

Symbols and spirits make sense of the world.

The power of simplicity is a myth.

The purpose of the picture is part of the riddle, you will never know unless you go. Very often, the creative thinking of artists takes precedence over sanity.

What is the difference between art and nature

What is the difference between art and nature? Information in this page is fact checked. However, we are only half-human and are prone to make mistakes. Behavior is easily affected by seemingly irrelevant factors. Symbols encode reality, art is not the thing itself.

Smart artworks are branching out and blurring the lines between their goals unrelated to visual economy in art or minimalism.

Symbol for truth

Symbol for truth.

symbols and pictograms

Pictures must accept themselves as they are.

It is not titles that make famous artists, but famous artists who make titles illustrious.

Niccolo Machiavelli

How does culture influence art?

The world in our heads is not a precise replica of reality

Daniel Kahneman

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every hypothesis now accepted was once eccentric.

ghost houses

Information on where to place your backyard ghost shelter: ghost houses provide the necessary shelter to keep the beneficial ghosts around.

Do spirits exist in the contemporary art world? The encoding of reality is a mental process.

I don't understand the metaphor, or let's call it a parable.

Symbol for complexity

Very often, the creative thinking of artists takes precedence over sanity. The power of simplicity is a myth and arithmetic mean quite often meaningless.

To the artist who does not know where we wants to draw there is no favorable wind. I was falling into the trap of searching for meaning.

Art is a signalling system using patterns and pattern recognition for human communication.

What is the meaning of everything when beauty is stripped down to its elemental core.
