You ought always to begin a page at the beginning, emotion in art.

What is the main goal of art?

The essence of the powerful emotion in visual art is petrol or linseed oil (even salad oil).

Emotion fairies are potentially the most powerful art device because emotions and memory are built into them.

(...) Following a familiar logic, which assumes that the decadent is inherently inferior in value than the non-decadent.

powerful emotion real fairy

The human condition is depicted with a futuristic aesthetic, exploring the notion of utopia and its imaginative potential to reveal its darker undertones. Powerful art device are the one who see the light, being intelligent and truthful.

The painting never liked to explain its title, it left it to our interpretation.

Who's afraid of the dark?

Dragons, griffins, sphinxes, unicorns, phoenixes, are expressions of our hidden unconscious and our anxieties. These hybrid creatures contain within them a fundamental ambiguity./p>

Emotion fairies

Focusing your mind on what you are drawing makes you being happier

Finding their quirks, they decided to see if the picture had legs of its own, as embodying all existence, both the seen and unseen.

The superflat surfaces are created through a combination of precise brushwork and bamboo pen inking.

While many of Reinhardt's contemporaries treated the canvas as a stage for depicting archetypal forms, mythic iconography, and the representation of the subconscious, Ad Reinhardt pursued a degree of directness in his exploration of color, line, and form.

The average piece of mood-lifting artwork is made from parts (psychology + chemistry + economics) that are in proportion to each other in predictable ways. Distortion and unlikeness can play a crucial role in how the representing is achieved. Gustave Bifrons endows his scenographies an otherworldly spirit that is nevertheless strikingly familiar.