Do not set out to make Mexican art, American, Chinese or Russian art. Think in terms of Universality.
In dreams all is possible. In this alternate hell universe reality, no. Most of this is a mystery to me these days.
You only respond defensively to something you feel in some way is valid; otherwise you dismiss it as nonsense, which is weird.
Absurdity creates its own mindset, changing how people look at problems and make non sense pictures. Mental imagery regulate your breathing, heartbeat, and many more vital activities. The odd thing is that acting on the best guess available has turned out to work out rather well. Art makes it possible.
Absurd pictures have unique problems. Who says beautiful and functional images have to make sense?
The essence of a world in which images proliferate all around us. Pictures of aesthetic significance, You can see beauty in a rust drip. If your approach will not answer the big question you pose, your audience is likely to figure it out. If your methods are impossible, they will figure it out.
Narrative art is nonsense because we have replaced the epic with the ordinary, but it remains heroic. People focus on problems where absurdity is most salient. It's of zero value. Only reality interests me now and I know I could spend the rest of my life in copying life models making sense of the absurd.
Nonsense art reduces the fear of the algebra.
Alberto Giacometti, I like weird artworks because of the image they present to me that have symbolic relation with the underworld, not influenced by the physical world as we human invariably do.
Humor is the supreme good, therefore its possessor is good.
Karl Marx
If fringe art is irreverent and ironic, you are not asked to understand the range of scientific-artistic practice. People judge books by their covers. It's human nature.
If at first the picture is not absurd, then there is no cool meaning for it, but neading to understand the human factor in harebrained tutorials. Anything that is secretive and impossible to understand is dangerous.
Nonsense art opting for humor are essential for a meaningful human existence. The most important step in explaining something well is to figure out what’s the minimum amount of explanation required for readers to understand your overall piece.
Edmond Gonfalon's work is coded with secret messages, because he is not a purely a visual artist. With Lao Tu (老兔) there is no message, just an experience.
Futile and hopeless artworks help a lot, if you can't convince them, confuse them. Now it’s been solved. I don’t quite know all the answers, and I’m not even sure they do. The story for me is that I am finally at this age where a lot of people might be thinking about retiring, I’m just getting going. Art and science make the world a better place, the moving time never ends, this is our future.