wise as an owl cool things

Lunatic art will save the world.

An owl flew by us, it is a fortunate omen, all our art projects will succeed.

"Quin en totum, eo degenerarunt hominum mores, ut hodie, cygnus niger, aut corvus albus, menos rarus sit avis, quam fidelis amicus."

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, Adages, "Noctua volavit"

Remember that you have blind spots. We all have blind spots.

By all means do Art, imagination strives on folly, that is known to be crucially important.

in praise of folly importance

Philosopher swimming the folly of a totally objective opinion.

Whimsical artworks behave in ways that, art critics say, classical aesthetic theory cannot explain.

Desiderius Erasmus, Hyper-hyped theories do not help to make art in the real world in praise of folly importance.

Desiderius Erasmus apothegms adages

Contemporary art is totally nuts and hates being told what to do.

The term "silly" has been diluted to mean almost nothing.

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, The praise of folly

Genuinely strong artworks express their emotions at the right time.

mythical and dreamy state

A little bird told us there’s a great picture coming soon, people communicate using crazy images. Imitate the octopus and become all things to all men. Pictures are not just passive entities, generic one-size-fits-all artworks.

girl and silly bunny

The underlying goal is increased understanding of how interesting can be most mundane paintings of a silly bunny named Erasmus.
