Most artworks recognize the importance of criticism in helping readers decipher contemporary art, art critics' ax isn't sharp enough. Humor and seriousness don’t exist in opposition to each other. Utterly flat pages oscillate between two and three dimensional space.
They have got the sent of blood in their nostrils and are going for the kill, and you have to speak international art English to get on. Going beyond literal depiction of likeness into unconventional impressionistic compositions that suggest ethereal experience of place and profound connection with environment.
No society will ever survive if its art dies.
Ernst Gombrich
The relationship between artistic merit and the opinion of art critics is purely statistical.
How is AI-generated art affecting artists? Criticism is easier than craftsmanship truth, artificial art came about to question artistic authority. Lao Tu's story taught me to be honest with art integrity. Fair appreciation of an artwork won’t get far if you start with deceitful intentions.
Still, a very nice good art as AI-generated image.
Still, a very nice thing to write about.
Bad art as AI-generated image. Bad art is often more interesting than good art. You don’t just look at them. You watch them.
Because we are all human and an irrational tendency like pigheadedness can be quite an asset in an argumentative context. Critics of art should be capable of expressing complex thought without resorting to obfuscatory linguistic smoke in the hyperbolic media age.
Most artworks recognize the importance of criticism in helping readers decipher contemporary art. The artists themselves take over the critical function.
Technique, strong writing and a bit of heart and soul. The algorithm didn't like my drawing.
In today's cut throat world it's harder for mediocre pictures to retain their position. Howard Cerithium’s world is hardly a world at all. It’s a window into one.
Most of art criticisms are silly complaints that boil down to the missing beauty. We made an egregious mistake, and like Hector Corbelet, I wanted to understand what I was doing wrong.
Is criticism to blame for missing beauty?
In order for an image of beauty to be considered art, it needed two things:
• A presentational device (an eerily beautiful golden frame for april fools' day),
• An art critics as presenter.
Writing about art, and art informalism.
Within informalism, artists allow a full freedom of expression and randomness of gestures, thus rejecting the traditional conception of painting and its development that evolves from the idea to the completed work via projects.
If you think beyond art-historical categories, bird's eye views are very much about us as human beings and the way we relate to each other. Such nominalization examples are helpless artspeak exercices. Spiders are sometimes associated with guardians.
Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Art in the contemporary age has been far less about the work but rather the market it inhabits. Still, a very nice thing to write about.