purple murex

Murex purple pigment has a historical, cultural and aesthetic value.

Old stuff that need our imagination to exist, like the fairies of the internet. Where is the art left when boring uniformization is the main purpose of the internet ? Fluid intelligence is a crucial cognitive ability that predicts key life outcomes across the lifespan, like murex is a metaphor for purple ink.

Imperial murex acquired a word-of-mouth following and remains an extraordinary dibromo-indigo mystery to this day.

Purple from Murex trunculus is dibromoindigo. dibromoindigotin shown on this page (imperial purple, with more pink and less indigo blue to the blue jean dye).

unreasonable effectiveness of imperial purple

Murex are like a snail.

"Various conjonctures about underlying mechanisms can be made explicit in mathematical terms (from the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics), and the consequences can be tested against the observed patterns; in this general way, we can in effect, explore possible worlds".

Robert M. May, Science , vol 303, pages 790-793

Artistic source and more.