Knowledge is not neutral. Conventional stuff and borderline things are two sides of the same coin of the visual culture of science and magical thinking. It’s just incomprehensible.
There is nothing more beautiful in this world for pictures than to be fully accepted for everything that they are. We are genetically wired to see babies and children as cute, and to want to protect them. I love when someone can make turn their ideas into reality, but in this story, visual art missed the boat. It's a very compelling argument.
Does art have a biological basis, and has it contributed to human evolution?
Awkwardness works as fitness indicators.
Observations indicate that all art theories are not equal in the eyes of evolution.
Nothing in Art makes sense, except in the light of evolution.
Visual art lives an odd life, not knowing what they want or why.
Why are some people good at drawing? Art is a trait so universal and ancient that it is almost surely innate. Drawing may be more effective by going with the genetic flow rather than swimming upstream.
The genetic artist is interested in the statistical and inferential challenges that arise in making sense of genomic data. Matisse used to say that some people have an art gene and others don't. Every brushstroke is, in a sense, some kind of accident.
Raphael Soyer
Biologists believe that some artists send mixed signals. Canvas with brightly coloured topsides attract mates, for example, whereas camouflaged undersides protect against art predators. The propensity for an art life may be tied to brain chemistry.
You can find beauty in art, too, when the concept of necessity no longer directs your life as only printed artworks should reproduce. I'm just doing small doodles to dog-paddle my way through till my etchings get visible.
Ellen Dissanayake
As the physical carriers of genetic information, otherworldly mutable entities that evolve over time, this visual heritage made up of forbidden images is heritable. Along with perspective and anatomical accuracy, the convincing depiction of skin was one of the holy grails of pictorial illusionism, the dominant criterion of successful art until the Modern era.
Before the invention of the fleeting aesthetics, art was simple. Art-conscious decoration is a visual language. Inspiration has to find you painting.
It is precisely because art is meaningless that it is so hard to talk about : if a dark form in the night is really a big cat, you could be in danger while if it's just the wind, no harm done. Drawings are about life, and vice-versa. It's the reality that is it not visible, skin is the symbolic interface between self and world; and friendly spiders.
The secret of life, art is about meeting biological needs, we have to do art. Visual art moves from an esoteric specialty to being part of genetics. The criteria for goodness and badness are inherently shifting and not innate. The short of it is that there's not good evidence that highbrow art is better for you.
Donald Kuspit, Explaining why you do art because of an inner compulsion; bad paintings are noisy, dirty, and annoying; it's seriously high art. We want someone who loves science and ideally has a sense of humor.
Art and genetics are good mysteries. If the material is innately gripping, it is counterproductive to try to jazz it up or make it exciting.
The instinctive beauty gene, like the blackbird's orange-yellow beak, may have developed as the fitness signal (as well as blue-footed boobies).
Each pixel is happy to contribute to a tiny slice of the page.
It takes time to develop your personal aesthetic and the best way to do so is to be exposed to as much art as possible. Innovation in modern art is the daughter of many parents. The mythical art form rapidly evolves and mutates in unexpected ways.
Inspired by friends who radiated life even as their days were numbered, art only transcends space and time.
Making pictures is a non heritable brain disorder of unknown etiology, because aesthetics is part of our biology as expressed through the filter of irony.