amazing behemoth magnoperator

Big journeys begin with small steps.

Painting is superior to photography because you can draw the biggest fish in the world, but you can't picture it, because drawing from life, an amazing fish or a birthday cake, is very different from drawing from a photo.

The reason for my painting large canvases is that I want to be intimate and human.

Mark Rothko

How big is big ? We need to do more drawings.

Gargantuan Brobdingnagian

Art is a prodigious struggle between the Gargantuan and Cyclopean.

Brobdingnagian ideas as the conceptual link between conventional and exotic states of magnoperator art, by its very nature impermanent as ephemerality.

Art is fun like birthday cake boat

The flow of creative expression, riding a tide of instantly accessible digital images should be viewed as icing on the funny cake; there is no waves without wind.


To the artist who does not know where we wants to draw there is no favorable wind.

The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke.

Jerzy Kosinski

real mermaid or merman spell

Any intelligent picture can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

Kant's distinction between aesthetic and sublime means that, for instance, when visiting an unimaginative large art shop I am so overwhelmed by it, the experience ceases to be aesthetic and becomes sublime.

Giant paintings can be suppassed by more transparency, more openness artworks from creative ants.

Brobdingnagian pictures tend to overestimate themselves. Paralysis through analysis and overthinking are very real pitfalls that the art of 无为 was designed to avoid.
