Underground art

Below the streets where art is life, under the superficial surface of mediocre decoration. People need each other when life gets rough.

Our goal should be improving our understanding of the world. Knowledge discovery is surreptitious, with long stretches of nothing and sudden bursts of breakthrough discoveries, and this is bloody stupid. Claustrophobic earthworms have made underground dwelling an art form.

Underground art

How witty is postmodernist realism developing multiple sources of self-esteem?

Earthworms believe that a deeper truth is hidden just beneath the streets.

Bird cartoons are high risk figures, and lots of fun (Who or what was weird is likewise not known). The myth that works is the myth that persuades, be disruptive. Underground introspective, melancholic works that explored the themes of human isolation and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world.

Underground art

Purposeful isolation is a powerful tool for deep work. Claustrophobic earthworm, not a pointless life.

Drawing rules should never be treated as 'black box' devices. You know you got a chance with art, report affirms lifesaving role of witty artworks. For such a small picture, I buy tranquillity.

Underground artwork

There's clearly a huge amount of new images waiting to be discovered, the claustrophobic-earthworm says. Art should not drawn within an overly rigid concept of humor, be disruptive. No more long, drawn-out lessons on form, accuracy and precision.

Underground life art

If nobody knows about your earthworm life, you'll have a hard time being heard.

Here is a paradox that we would do well to keep in mind. Our understanding of drawings to make people happy is grossly simplistic, crazy cartoons picturing witty sayings strive for a place in the contemporary art jungle.

Life in the tunnels beneath New York City: There’s little in the way of proof, so it must be true.

emotions don’t do harmful things

Each picture knows its own sadness, and no one else can share its happiness.

Sadly, non-artists skip over the better part of life. However, not everyone agrees.

Fearing that darkness kills the light.

In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions, so an ashtray is perfect. Art is a revolt against death. I am sad because art theory doesn't speak to me.

What makes it miserable for humans makes it perfect for painting the futile nature of life, failure is scary.

summer amphipod

Amphipods seamlessly combine the graphic elements of Pop Art and the plein air tradition to create artworks reflective of their intimacy with nature.

For Wittgenstein, abstract art ought to be written only as a form of poetry because only poetry could show the fly the way out of the fly bottle.

Underground claustrophobic art

No one is under any obligation to interact with a person they don't want to interact with.

Landscape painting is the obvious resource of misanthropy. Earthworms will gaze skyward, anticipating a moment of awe. Paintings that makes artworks memorable, dingus things we can't remember. We are buried under all this. Onwards and upwards, regardless of age.

William Hazlitt


Life is unfair, so the end of the page was too late but better than never.