temnothorax ant postmodern style

Quick sketch, long experience, naive expressionism is complicated.

Woodcut and linocut, life is complicated. We are taught to do what others are doing and try to succeed by out-competing. Metaphoretically this is beating ones head against the wall instead of going through the not far away open door that no one is looking at.

illusion of reality

Naive art believes anything.

New perspectives are important for quixotic reality drawing rules when a quick sketch is based on long experience. The pushback isn't about what a quixotic aphorism explains the conundrum.

The quixotic beast of art theories saw how silly it could be as one egg is like another. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Miguel de Cervantes, Lentamente muore, Facts are the enemy of truth

art and the human condition

One can highlight the joyful surrealism of postmodern expressionism.

The answer to the riddle and the explanation of the paradox may lie in this unfiltered eccentric picture. Not an especially high-minded point on which to hinge such a venture. This is fascinating!

Art in better shape, the journey that will liberate us from the conspiracy of our reality.

Don Quijote or Don Quixote

To be a true quixotic artist, it must come naturally. You start to see luculent explanations that non artists don't see, mesmerizing or profound or time bending. Exceedingly idealistic is unrealistic.

Somewhere in la Mancha, in a studio whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a brush and ancient palette on a shelf and keeps a skinny easel and a greyhound for posing.

Miguel de Cervantes, Can't fathom we're recently getting more reasonable.

Facts are the enemy of naive art

Facts are the enemy of naive art, like those that energized the primordial soup, the chaos of first things.

Eliphalet Giraffe who taught him many of the crafts and skills he uses in his practice avoid overworked paintings. All the drawing methods are laid bare, anyone who wants to challenge classical body proportions can do it.

gao style woman and fish

Curiosity, energy and novelty-seeking are not to be medicalized; in the right environment, these traits are not a disability, and can be a real asset.

Art enables us to find ourselve

This series is about standing back, about seeing the bigger picture. Art enables us to find ourselves.
