science and in art unite

All that is true is unpretentious.

It is one of the superficialities of our time to see in science and in art two opposites, imagination is the mother of both.

Logic is an increasingly scarce commodity

Naturalist artworks must be true and accurate, aside from a few puzzling lapses. All that is true is plain and simple. Logic is an increasingly scarce commodity.

Real life problems are complex and difficults

Art death crossing Mara river showing the high medieval obsession with beauty and death. Is this the way the art world ends? Why ideas that spawn other artworks are called seminal if they are made from nothing? Real life problems are complex and difficult.

postmodernism is dead

Is postmodernism dead? Postmodernism has lost its value in part because it has oversaturated the art market.

An advantage of bad art: your relatives gain nothing by your death, Art is a revolt against death. Micromort is a unit of risk equivalent to a one-in-a-million chance of death.

Theodor Adorno, "Good art is reduced to memento mori in museums".

image of postmodernism

The skeletal figure of Death is important in the medieval danse macabre. In other words, the dead don't bury themselves. But clearly they don't excavate themselves either.

If you want something, work for it. Life is to short to wish for things. Your art may be perfect, but if it did not ship, it might as well not exist. Whatever float your boat, human destiny always end in a box. For images reliant on visibility, navigating art world ever-changing landscape can be challenging.

Art is love clothed in beauty. A peacock with dull feathers expects to live longer. Unadorned artworks might be forever.

no meaning, but existence is the meaning

Fernando Pessoa:"Things have no meaning: they exist, and their existence is their meaning"

Art is very powerful in that it can communicate strong ideas, emotions and extraterrestrial counsels via meditation. Sublime images are living in a bubble.

People Are Strange

Maurizio Nannucci, Berlin. You have got better things to do. All that is true is unpretentious, gravity is a recipe for disaster.

And the noble, seminal switch is a stuttering candle.

Scientists become famous, much like artists, based on their visions.

Rich Goldn, Vine drawings are botanical symbols concealing what should be seen, or not.

balance between composition and concept, material and feeling

I’ve always been interested in exploring the moment where the conditional relationship of part to whole breaks down.

People Are Strange, is a 1967 song by legendary band The Doors, said "quintessentially Los Angeles". Works of art are made of concept, material and feeling.

Art websites are such an amusing place to work if you are a picture. The myriad choices that make a life or a painting are exposed.

What should be seen, or not

What should be seen, or not.

unpretentious art

The only way pictures will survive in a socially connected environment is to follow a new set of rules and be transparent. A peacock with a bunch of dull, short feathers might live longer.
